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Tree Services Blog

Spring Tree Care Checklist

We may get a little snow this weekend (it’s APRIL, come on!), but hopefully this weekend will see the last snowfall of the year, and we’ll be able to begin our spring tree prep. Following these simple steps will help you to make sure your trees are at maximum health when the weather finally gets

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How to Mulch Your Trees

If you mulch your trees, it not only keeps your yard looking trimmed and neat; it also conserves essential nutrients and moisture in the soil, insulates roots from cold snaps, and combats weed growth. If you are planting new trees or mulching your current trees, there are a few things you can do to ensure

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Pests and Diseases to Watch for This Spring

As warm spring weather invites full foliage and colorful blooms, you may notice a few strange anomalies. It’s not uncommon for many trees to be affected by pests or diseases in spring, since their immune systems are weakened from weathering through the winter. Here are a few of the more common symptoms to look out for. Brown

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How to Plant a New Tree

Trees produce oxygen, provide shade, and add natural beauty to their surroundings. Any day is a good day to plant a new tree! Just in case you missed out on Arbor Day tree planting, here are our tips for planting new trees. Pick The Right Tree The first step when you plant a new tree is

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Arbor Day Review

Last Friday was Arbor Day! Did you get out and plant a tree? Arbor Day is a great time to recognize the value of our local trees and forests and to plant trees to replace those lost by illegal logging, disease, and invasive species. Here are a few of the ways Maryland and Washington, DC

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