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Tree Services Blog

The Top 5 Risks of Unpruned Trees

When it comes to maintaining your lawn and landscape’s overall appearance, tree pruning is an absolute essential. But unpruned trees can cause more than just aesthetic problems; they can pose a serious threat to safety! Read on to discover what risks are posed by unpruned trees and how you can prevent them with the help

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Tree Services to Prep Your Yard for Spring

The beginning of this week marked the beginning of another six weeks of winter, at least according to the furry forecaster, Punxsutawney Phil. The famous groundhog saw his shadow, which according to tradition predicts an addition month and a half of winter weather. Though the weather outside may remain a bit frightful for the time

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Are Crane Services Necessary for Tree Removal?

When it comes to removing trees from your property, sometimes simply cutting the tree down will not, well, “cut it.” Depending on the height of the tree and the condition it is in, you may need to order crane services from a professional tree service company to help you safely and efficiently remove an unwanted

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tree removal

Porter Tree Services at the Maryland Home & Garden Show!

Looking for a little inspiration this spring? If you are planning for projects that will improve your home inside and out, then attending the upcoming Maryland Home & Garden Show is an absolute must! Vendors and businesses from across the state will be there, including yours truly, Porter Tree Services. Read on to learn more

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Need Tree Services for Your Perry Hall Home?

For homeowners living in Perry Hall, a healthy and beautiful yard is an absolute priority. But lawn, landscaping, and shrubs aside, the one thing that really determines how good your yard looks is the trees in it. Unkempt, sick, or dying trees can drastically reduce your curb appeal, which in turn can make your home

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Professional Tree Services Available in Bel Air

Whether you are looking to improve the health of your residential property’s trees or the look of trees on your commercial property, there is only one solution: professional tree services. With tree services you can not only keep your landscape looking well-cared for, but you can also increase its value for years to come. Read

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