Proudly Serving Maryland For 30 Years!

How Your Trees Can Save You Money

A tree may have enormous personal and aesthetic value to you and your family. But did you know that your tree has a tangible monetary value as well? There are several ways that even a single tree can save you lots of money.

Trees Can Save Energy

A large leafy tree not only looks majestic and inviting; it also protects your home! A large tree can reduce your energy bills by up to 30% year round. During the summer the shade from your tree reduces the amount of air conditioning you need to use. According to the USDA Forest Service, a tree planted on the west side of a home can save up to $25 in air conditioning costs per year. During the winter, a large tree can block winds from entering your warm and cozy home.

Trees Are Peaceful

Spending time in the presence of green foliage can decrease brain fatigue and stress, improving concentration. They can also reduce urban noise by 50%, which prevents anxiety, tension, illness, and even hearing loss.

Trees Are Healthy

Trees prevent over 670,000 cases of acute respiratory symptoms by reducing air pollution. In addition, hospital patients with a view of trees tend to recover faster than patients with a tree-less view.

Trees Are Beautiful

Landscaping that includes mature trees can boost a home’s property value by up to 20%. Trees themselves can even be appraised as part of a home’s value. A mature tree can be appraised at anywhere between $1,000 to $10,000.

Trees Save the Planet

Over the course of 50 years, a single tree can create $31,250 worth of oxygen, provide $62,000 worth of clean air, process $37,500 worth of water, and provide $31,500 worth of soil erosion control. This totals to a value of $162,250 per tree! Additionally, a single tree eradicates 1 ton of carbon dioxide per year.

Get In Touch With Porter Tree Services Today

Porter Tree Services can provide you with help in keeping any trees you plant healthy and strong for years to come. Call us today to ask about our tree treatment programs and tree maintenance services!

If you are in need of tree services in Baltimore, Perry Hall, Fallston, Monkton, Timonium, Parkton, Kingsville, Bel Air, Reisterstown, or Nottingham, Porter Tree Services is here to help! From emergency tree removal to fertilization and treatment plans, our licensed tree experts will help you with whatever problems that have taken root!

Want to find out more about Porter Tree Services? Keep checking in with our blog, and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest for all the latest news and information!

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